Plot: A young woman who has inherited money from her mother's death convinces her brother to kill her boyfriend. Reality: This movie is based on story of Catherine and Andrew Suh.
Is Catherine Suh Still Incarcerated?
Yes. Catherine Suh is still in prison. She has had quite a few problems while in prison too. She looks a little bit older here. As of 2012 she is locked up in Dwight Correctional Facility. Still pretty though...Here are a few stats: Catherine Suh was born on May 2, 1969. She has dark brown hair. She is about 5ft 4 inches tall and weighs 135 pounds. She has brown eyes. She is Asian-Korean.
Races Changed in the Movie
VengenceDemon8March 22, 2012 12:24 PM
This is a sad story. It's one of my favorite Lifetime Movies. The fact that the real people are Asian and they chose to make them white is disturbing. The movie followed the true story. The fatal flaw was changing the ethnicity of the real people. Are they going to choose Brad Pit to play Martin Luther King?@VengenceDemon8
Back then they were changing the races of the people in the movies because they wanted to fit the audience. The movie's audiences during the time period this movie was made would not have been interested in a Korean story. Lifetime, within the past few years, has only started to feature ethnic stories.
Victim Robert O'Dubaine
Elizabeth Suh's Death
Elizabeth Suh was 55 year old when she was stabbed in her establishment Campus Cleaners. The dry cleaners was located at 519 Dempster in Evansville, Illinois. The crime occurred around 9 am. When police arrived they found her lying next to her purse and a trash bin.
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